Cyber Crime comp
Protect Yourself from CybercrimeProtect yourself from cybercrime with this guidance from our experts.

No question, the internet has provided the world with many great things - unique options, enhanced levels of communication, and always-on connectivity. Sure, those things are great, but with it comes increased risk to your digital security. Cybercriminals are out there, and they’re after your passwords, personal info, and money – sometimes your entire identity! Cybercrime has cost the world trillions of dollars - that’s even a lot of dough to Jeff Bezos.

Don't Make These Mistakes

Here are a few tips to help protect yourself against cyber criminals.

  • Check your banking accounts regularly and make sure you can account for all of the purchases you’ve made online.

  • If you see ALL CAPS in the subject line of an incoming email, there’s a pretty good chance you’re on the wrong end of a phishing attempt. Don’t open it, no matter how tempting the subject line.

  • Make sure any site in which you enter information contains an “S” after “HTTP” in the site’s URL. That S stands for secure, which means your communications are encrypted.

  • If an email offering contains bad grammar or misspelled words, it’s a big red flag. A company that’s attempting to provide quality content isn’t going to send something out that’s rife with poor grammar and misspellings.

  • Use an anti-virus service or email product that can detect malicious and fraudulent websites and also includes anti-phishing technology.

  • Instead of clicking a link to a retailer’s website, type their URL in the browser’s address bar. Yes, it’s a little more work, but you’ll ensure you’re going to their actual website. If you use a link, you could go to a site that perfectly mimics the retailer’s site. Before you know it, you’re typing in your info and credit card info and, well, you know the rest.

  • If you find yourself questioning whether a site is legitimate, here’s a good way to check. Type in a fake password - if it lets you in, you’re on a malicious site. They want you in and will accept anything. Promptly exit and delete it from your browsing history.

The best and easiest way to protect your digital identity

Most security experts maintain that the best way to protect against cybercrime is by having a great password. With the number of terrific password management tools available, there’s really no excuse not to have a handle on this issue. It’s not an end-all be-all solution, but it goes a long way to help keep your digital footprint from revealing information that cybercriminals would love to have.

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